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UnitedHealthcare- 2025 Part D Program

This webinar will address what the impact is to Part D, changes you and your members need to be aware of, and resources that are available. Register Here: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEkfuuopjorHtUrhKlMCCRn2omsk0PMQtp5#/registration

UnitedHealthcare- FYI Friday: 2025 UHC MAPD Plans

Hello Agent Partners, Mark your calendars! Please join us at our Weekly FYI Fridays for updates, news, and Network information. You won't want to miss it! Meeting ID: 931 8363 3351 Passcode: FYI2024 Dial-In: 669 900 6833

Molina- Central California Benefits Review Training Session (Virtual)

Hi Agents, To assist you with AEP, we have added more virtual training sessions to our schedule; see below. If you need a quick refresher on our benefits or have questions for our Broker Channel Managers, please join us! Hosted by Margarita Garcia. Use this hyperlink for all meetings

UnitedHealthcare- New Agent Orientation

Welcome to your partnership with UnitedHealthcare! This training begins your journey to sales success and includes live demo and an overview of training resources available to agents, such as Jarvis, Learning Lab, JarvisEnroll, UnitedHealthcare Agent Toolkit and more. Register Here: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMoceyprDkoEtLtD8yHAvp39mmyEaDFvBbe#/registration

UnitedHealthcare- Medicare Cyber Mondays

Hello Agent Partners, With so many changes in the horizon, many of you wanted the Cyber Mondays back! We will keep this going as long as we have 15+ agents joining weekly. We will have 2 weeks in the afternoon and 2 weeks in the morning to give a chance to those that could not […]