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Aetna- Meet n’ Greet: Meet Your Local Team (Submarket: CA Greater Sacramento)

Come meet your broker manager and Community Lead Generator to ask any questions and pick up any give away items for events. Location: Nivano Physicians - 1420 River Park Drive, Sacramento, CA 95815 Find this training and RSVP at this link: https://www.aetnamedicareagenttraining.com/ Event ID: ME-57786

UnitedHealthcare- 2025 OTC, Healthy Foods, and Utilities for MA/MA-PD

Help consumers boost their budgets with a flexible monthly credit to spend on "over the counter" products, healthy foods and/or utility bills. Just one of the extra benefits UnitedHealthcare members can get with your Medicare Advantage Plans. This webinar will walk you through the MA/MA-PD value proposition, key features, the member experience and marketing strategies. […]

UnitedHealthcare- Closing the Sale

Part of our Grow Your Business with UnitedHealthcare series: This webinar will help build your understanding of how to present a plan, what to cover during a needs assessment, how to handle stalls and objections, and resources to guide you! Register Here: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJErc-ioqzIvGtYILJ3VGRP7EJDh9oOb8op5#/registration