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Humana- Humana OEP Fast Start 2025 Meeting: Chiefland Florida

Join your broker manager to learn about all the ways to grow your Humana book of business during 2025, increase your retention rates, and utilize the tools Humana has available to agents. Breakfast refreshments will be available. Location: Dunkin Donuts - 2209 North Young Blvd, Chiefland, FL 32626 Register: https://www.humanamarketsupport.com/event/humana-oep-fast-start-2025-meeting-chiefland-florida

UnitedHealthcare- TRICARE For Life and VA Opportunities

Grow your book of business while assisting consumers with unique needs! Military Veterans may have VA Health Care Coverage, while military Retirees may have TRICARE For Life Health Care Coverage. This training cover the differences between the two, basics of how their existing benefits work and how you can help the military community by enrolling […]

Humana- Agent Focused Humana Agent Training (Texas)

Please join me in a series of agent learning, including Humana product trainings, Vantage Overview, Community Engagement and more!! This will be the first of many! Food and drinks will […]

UnitedHealthcare- Medicare Advantage OEP

Enroll consumers in the right plan at the right time! This training will review the MA-OEP Election Period with scenario-based examples, training resources and best practices for successful enrollments. Register […]

Aetna- DSNP and LIS Training (Submarket: FL South)

In this training session you'll learn about Aetna's DSNP products. They'll be a focus on how Aetna's Florida GPU can help qualify your clients for Medicaid and earning administrative fees […]

UnitedHealthcare- UHC Agent Toolkit and sales Materials Portal

Grow your business with Advertisements, Flyers, Postcards, Invitations, Presentations, Brochures and more! The UHC Agent Toolkit gives you access to hundreds of marketing materials, which are all pre-approved by UnitedHealthcare. […]