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UnitedHealthcare- Jarvis

Take advantage of Jarvis, your agent portal! This live demonstration will walk you through access, navigation, features and functions to include: how to register for a National Live Training webinar, current news, provider search tools, application status, commissions, communications, eligibility tools, plan details, market demographics and more. Register Here: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0rdOmoqj4qEtLwsCc57q3Yqg578T0xNiek#/registration

Aetna- Deep Dive HMO (CA Inland Empire, CA Los Angeles, CA Orange)

Deep Dive into Aetna SoCal HMO plans for 2025. Not only will we dive deep into SoCal HMO plan benefits we will also cover the Medical Groups associated with each SoCal Plan. Please come and learn all about what we have in store for 2025! Find this training and RSVP at this link: https://www.aetnamedicareagenttraining.com/ Event […]

Aetna- Supplement to MAPD (CA Central Coast, CA Kern)

Once you know the client's needs and the characteristics of a Medicare Supplement and a Medicare Advantage plan, you can look at both types and determine the right fit for your clients. You should be able to tell the story of when a Medicare Advantage plan will meet their needs. Find this training and RSVP […]

UnitedHealthcare- Medicare Cyber Mondays

Hello Agent Partners, With so many changes in the horizon, many of you wanted the Cyber Mondays back! We will keep this going as long as we have 15+ agents […]

Humana- North Florida Humana 2025 Benefit Review (Florida)

Join your Broker Team for a review of the 2025 plan benefits. We will go over the plans from Pensacola to Jacksonville, Gainesville, and the Nature Coast. Register: https://humana.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_wGGlXs-7Ry-55WcDZAJIsw