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UnitedHealthcare- New Agent Orientation

Welcome to your partnership with UnitedHealthcare! This training begins your journey to sales success and includes a live demo and an overview of training resources available to agents such as […]

UnitedHealthcare- JarvisEnroll for MA/MA-PD

Learn how JarvisEnroll can make submitting your MA/MA-PD applications faster, easier and more efficient! This training will show you basic navigation, how to complete the application, the remote signature process, […]

UnitedHealthcare- UHC Agent Toolkit and Sales Materials Portal

Grow your business with Advertisements, Flyers, Postcards, Invitations, Presentations, Brochures and more! The UnitedHealthcare Toolkit gives you access to hundreds of marketing materials, which are all pre-approved by UnitedHealthcare and […]

Humana- Dental/Vision and SEP Training (Colorado)

Snacks provided Location: Penrose Library - 20 N Cascade Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80903 Register: https://www.humanamarketsupport.com/event/dental-vision-and-sep-training

UnitedHealthcare- 2025 Dual Eligible Special Needs Plans (D-SNP)

Grow your book of business while assisting consumers with unique needs! This training will review the basics of Dual Special Needs Plans (DSNP), eligibility requirements, best practices for success in the DSNP market and recommendations for enrolling and retaining DSNP eligibles. Register Here: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/QGUV0cmiSBuFVgx1I49aCg#/registration

UnitedHealthcare- 2025 Chronic Condition Special Needs Plans (C-SNP)

Grow your book of business while assisting consumers with unique needs! This training will review the basics of Chronic Condition Special Needs Plans (C-SNP), eligibility requirements, best practices for success in the C-SNP market and recommendations for enrolling and retaining C-SNP eligibles. Register Here: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/dEl68X7URymY-7sm1tYHZw#/registration