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Anthem- Marketing Your Medical Business (Virtual Rookie Bootcamp)

Dear Anthem Partner, Are you new to Medicare, new to Anthem Blue Cross or just want an Anthem Medicare refresher? Join us for a 4-part Medicare Virtual Rookie Bootcamp this month to help pave the way to success here at Anthem. The Rookie Bootcamp will recur every month, so join as many times as you […]

Aetna- The Aetna Experience (Submarkets: CA Central Coast, CA Kern)

The Producer World website is your go-to site for information, tools, and reports for Aetna products. Use this flyer for help with Individual Medicare Advantage (MA/MAPD) and SilverScript PDP products. Find this training and RSVP at this link: https://www.aetnamedicareagenttraining.com/ Event ID: ME-57797

UnitedHealthcare- TRICARE for Life and VA Opportunities

Grow your book of business while assisting consumers with unique needs! Military Veterans may have VA Health Care Coverage, while Military Retirees may have Tricare for Life Health Care Coverage. This training covers the differences between the two, basics of how their existing benefits work and how you can help the military community by enrolling […]

Molina- Product Training 2025

Medicare Product Training Event ID: BE-001616 Webinar details will be emailed after registration.

UnitedHealthcare- JarvisEnroll for MA/MA-PD

Learn how JarvisEnroll can make submitting your MA/MA-PD applications faster, easier and more efficient! This training will show you basic navigation, how to complete the application, the remote signature process, and more. Register Here: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUodOuqpz8sE9MadwiMMCjY-cipVluZNB9K#/registration

UnitedHealthcare- JarvisEnroll for MA/MA-PD

Learn how JarvisEnroll can make submitting your MA/MA-PD applications faster, easier and more efficient! This training will show you basic navigation, how to complete the application, the remote signature process, and the Health Assessment. Register Here: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYvceCvpjwiHdC4fqtbdKT3nVY2oMgvr02G#/registration

UnitedHealthcare- FYI Friday: 2025 UHC MAPD Plans

Hello Agent Partners, Mark your calendars! Please join us at our Weekly FYI Fridays for updates, news, and Network information. You won't want to miss it! Meeting ID: 931 8363 3351 Passcode: FYI2024 Dial-In: 669 900 6833

UnitedHealthcare- Closing the Sale

Part of Grow Your Business with UnitedHealthcare series: This webinar will help build your understanding of how to present a plan, what to cover during a needs assessment, how to handle stalls and objections, and resources to guide you! Register Here: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIsduigpjovGNwSF7kJpipofchDjwgLnbnc#/registration