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Humana- AEP Academy/AEP Market Rollouts: Humana Fast Start Las Cruces (New Mexico)

Training will have in-depth details on MAPD plans, embedded dental and vision, as well as Individual plans for Southern New Mexico. Training will be 1.5 hours. Light snacks and refreshments. Location: Workspace 141 - 141 Roadrunner Parkway Ste 141, Las Cruces, NM 8801 Register: https://www.humanamarketsupport.com/event/humana-fast-start-las-cruces

Humana- AEP Academy/AEP Market Rollouts Humana Fast Start Las Cruces (New Mexico)

Training will have in-depth details on MAPD plans, embedded dental and vision, as well as individual plans for Southern New Mexico. Training will be 1.5 hours. Light snacks and refreshments. Location: Workspace 141 - 141 Roadrunner Parkway Ste 141, Las Cruces, NM 88011 Register: https://www.humanamarketsupport.com/event/humana-fast-start-las-cruces

UnitedHealthcare- TRICARE For Life and VA Opportunities

Grow your book of business while assisting consumers with unique needs! Military Veterans may have VA Health Care Coverage, while Military Retirees may have Tricare for Life Health Care Coverage. This training covers the differences between the two, basics of how their existing benefits work and how you can help the military community by enrolling […]

Aetna- Deep Dive PPO (Submarket: FL South)

In this training session you'll learn about the Power of Aetna's PPO. We'll discuss how members may use the Explore Benefit, select/designate a PCP assignment as required, and how to sue the Essential PPO Network to maximize their dental benefit. Find this training and RSVP at this link: https://www.aetnamedicareagenttraining.com/ Event ID: ME-58740

UnitedHealthcare- 60 Minutes to Success for AARP Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans from UnitedHealthcare

FOR NEW AGENTS! This training session is designed to educate recently on-boarded and certified agents on AARP Medicare Supplement Plans. This training will provide you with valuable information pertaining to the sales and marketing of an AARP Medicare Supplement Plan and feature live demos of important tools and resources available to you to help you […]

Aetna- PPO Deep Dive (Submarkets: CA Inland Empire, CA Los Angeles, CA Orange)

Deep dive into Aetna SoCal PPO plan offering for 2025. Attend this webinar to get the details of Aetna SoCal PPO in such details of which prospects/members would benefit from these types of plans, INN/ONN coverages and how the "extra's" work. Find this training and RSVP at this link: https://www.aetnamedicareagenttraining.com Event ID: ME-59089

UnitedHealthcare- 2025 Dental Vision Hearing for MA/MA-PD

UnitedHealthcare's new enhanced dental benefit will give your members even more to smile about. UnitedHealthcare Vision benefits provide services that help protect our members' eyesight and save them money on eyewear. Members can get a yearly routine eye exam at no additional cost and savings on frames or contacts. Did you know only about 17% […]

UnitedHealthcare- New Agent Orientation

Welcome to your partnership with UnitedHealthcare! This training begins your journey to sales success and includes live a demo and an overview of training resources available to agents, such as Jarvis, Learning Lab, JarvisEnroll, UnitedHealthcare Agent Toolkit and more. Register Here: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMudeyvpj4qHtZFlq9SAW2A8Nd0JcBmRhMK#/registration