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UnitedHealthcare- Closing the Sale

Part of our Grow Your Business with UnitedHealthcare series: This webinar will help build your understanding of how to present a plan, what to cover during a needs assessment, how to handle stalls and objections, and resources to guide you! Register Here: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJErc-ioqzIvGtYILJ3VGRP7EJDh9oOb8op5#/registration

UnitedHealthcare- Jarvis

Take advantage of Jarvis, your agent portal! This live demonstration will walk you through access, navigation, features and functions to include: how to register for a National Live Training webinar, current news, provider search tools, application status, commissions, communications, eligibility tools, plan details, market demographics and more. Register Here: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMtdOGgqD4uGdRD6E5D9jAqRGxdRlUzkIUP#/registration