
Looking for The Right FMO For You?

Our History as a FMO

Gus Alvarez started in the health insurance industry in August 2007 when he was recruited.While working for an agency his career propelled and grew in the insurance industry and they recognized him for his many achievements (the National Rookie of the Year Award for being the 2nd highest producer in the country; the prestigious Ring of Honor for becoming the highest-producing Medicare selling insurance agent; and a seat in the Million Dollar Producers Circle), Gus left working for an agency to further explore the Medicare business as an independent agent in California.

Team Alvarez represents a multitude of national, highly rated Individual/Group Health, Life, Supplemental and Medicare Advantage Health Plans such as: Anthem, Aetna, United HealthCare, Blue Shield, Central Health, Easy Choice, Humana, Scan, SilverScript,  Stanford, Wellcare, North America, Transamerica, American General, and many more.

Keep Your Book Of Business

Team Alvarez Insurance focus on their health insurance brokers to not only grow agents book of business but also letting them keep it 100%. We will never hold our agent captive. Even get weekly commissions paid.

Marketing Department For You

Team Alvarez marketing department works for the agents to bring brand awareness, training, tools , and resources to let agent succeed.

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2024 Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) Checklist for Health Insurance Agents in California
2024 AEP Checklist

2024 Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) Checklist for Health Insurance Agents As AEP approaches, the time required to finalize contracts tends to expand. To stay ahead, aim to finalize contracts within